Equipping young people to thrive through challenges and change

G.R.I.T. is a set of experiential learning activities and processes that promote personal growth and build resilience in young people. The program benefits participants by equipping them with tools to confidently approach challenges and change.

Who is G.R.I.T. for?

G.R.I.T. can be delivered with students in mid to upper primary and into high school, although it can be used right through to adulthood. The number of students or participants involved will depend on your purpose for running the program and which activities you choose to use. If you run G.R.I.T. with a large group, you may require two facilitators.

How is the program structured?

G.R.I.T. is delivered using a flexible approach, utilising games, activities and processes as opposed to a traditional program where each session is defined. G.R.I.T. is commonly used in the following ways:


G.R.I.T.'s versatility allows it to be used in many contexts such as schools, camps or workshops. Program facilitators can be teachers, chaplains or youth workers, however anyone who has completed the training course can deliver the program.

How can your school or organisation use G.R.I.T.?

G.R.I.T. can be used for a variety of purposes, including the following:


Experiential Learning

Experiential Learning* is a style of learning that embraces the value of personal experience and reflection. Participants engage in games and activities and then reflect on their experience through a debrief, drawing out key themes and applications.

The role of the facilitator in experiential learning is to provide opportunities for participants to engage, reflect and grow as they relate what they've learnt to everyday life. Research shows that experiential learning contributes to engagement, deeper learning, improved learning outcomes and enhances work and life skills.

Experiential learning is highly interactive and engaging, builds community and supports resilience.

* deRosenroll, D.A., Saunders, G.A., and Carr, R.A. (1992) The Mentor Program Development Resource Kit. Victoria, B.C.: Peer Resources.
* Grey Owl (1996). Natural strength training. The Peer Counsellor Journal, 12, 1, 5+.

ACTIVITY: Riderless Bicycle
The challenge is to ‘steer’ a bicycle through a short marked course. The opportunity exists to gently direct the movements of the bicycle and delicately navigate the course as a team. The skills learnt through persevering with this and other challenges will strengthen team communication, leadership and collaboration.

G.R.I.T. Facilitator Training Course

Our facilitator training course runs over two days. Here are the upcoming scheduled training dates:

Term 4
  • October 22nd-23rd
  • November 18th-19th
Term 1
  • February 27th-28th (YouthCARE Head Office)
  • March 24th-25th (Esperance Region)

YouthCARE Head Office
Suite 17/162 Colin Street
West Perth

* Morning tea and lunch are provided.

Training and Resource Costs

Two-day Training Course (one facilitator) plus G.R.I.T. Resource Kit
Cost: $1,075

Additional Facilitator Training (per person)
Cost: $425


Program Aims and Curriculum Alignment

G.R.I.T. has been developed on an experiential learning model and aims to achieve the following:

Build Community

Engagement: Brings young people and adults together to have fun, experience a sense of community and build relationships with each other.

Teamwork: Teaches participants to work with others in a group setting, understand the differing roles that can be taken on in a team and experience the stages of group formation.

Communication: Enables participants to grow listening skills, contribute to discussion and recognise differing perspectives.

Build Resilience

Self-Awareness: Participants grow their understanding of themselves and others, how they interact in a group situation and their ability to reflect on a situation and understand what it means to them.

Self-Management: Provides the opportunity to give and receive feedback, practice emotional regulation in the context of the group experience and gain the ability to resolve conflict.

Problem-Solving: Encourages critical thinking and problem solving in a group situation.

Curriculum Information

G.R.I.T. addresses content from the Health and Physical Education, Humanities and Social Sciences Learning Areas of the Western Australian curriculum.


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